Vishisht School Of Management, Indore FAQs

A: Ans. It is not necessary for you to be admitted to the college if you need financial aid. After October, aspirants need to send FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and CSS (College Service Scholarship) profiles at any time.

A: Ans. While we do not have a special admissions process for athletes, we do encourage them to compete in intra- and intercollegiate events and to be active members of the college's athletic team. The athletes have a high chance of succeeding because of this.

A: Ans. Our graduates have an incredibly high success record in being accepted to graduate programs and getting job offers. We support students who are applying to graduate programs, and businesses that come to campus provide undergraduates with a variety of internship and employment options.

A: Ans. On our campus, the students feel very secure. The campus safety program has received strong grades in the college's yearly reviews of it. Security staff have gotten prepared from Vishisht in extra mechanical and actual safety efforts. To get to the school, you should have an ID, and all visitors should demand authorization to enter or be joined or supported by somebody with an ID. Furthermore, there is a mobile escort administration, lit pathways, and crisis telephones.

A: Ans. Intercollegiate athletic teams, a sizable community service program, and a plethora of other musical, political, artistic, and social activities are all available. Scholars are encouraged to participate in the cultural programs. We support extracurricular activities since they are important for personal development.
Vishisht School Of Management, Indore Scholarship - 2024
Vishisht School Of Management, Indore Address
65/5, RS Shukla Marg, Pologround Indore - 452003 Madhya Pradesh, India
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