International Institute of Business Stud... FAQs

A: The International Institute of Business Studies Bangalore will call or email the selected students. They will send the date and venue of group discussion and personal interviews to the students. Every shortlisted candidate must report to the venue on time. The International Institute of Business Studies Bangalore will call or email the selected students. They will send the date and venue of group discussion and personal interviews to the students. Every shortlisted candidate must report to the venue on time. 

A: Yes, the institute has a good status for its excellent education and placement. Not only that institute takes the responsibility to instruct the students during the time of placement. Also, the institute recorded the highest package of 48 LPA last year which makes the institute good for study and career. 

A: Yes, hostel accommodation is available to both genders. The hostel is given to students on a first come first serve basis.
International Institute of Business Stud... Scholarship - 2024
International Institute of Business Stud... Address
#75, Muthugadahalli, North Jala Hobli, Near International Airport Bangalore - 562157 Karnataka, India
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