ATMA Syllabus 

The ATMA syllabus is designed in such a way that it tests the aptitude, skills, and knowledge of the candidates. You must prepare well for the Exam by studying the ATMA syllabus thoroughly. The syllabus plays a vital role in understanding the questions asked in the Exam. Thus, here is the syllabus for the ATMA exam 

  • Quantitative Skills: In the Quantitative Skills section, the topics tested are Number System, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Profit and Loss, Ratio and proportion, Simple and compound Interest, Percentages, Time-Speed-Distance, Mensuration, Data Interpretation, Linear Equations and Quadratic Equations.
  • Verbal Skills: In the Verbal Skills section, the topics tested are Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Grammar and Sentence Correction.
  • Analytical Reasoning & Logical Reasoning: In the Analytical Reasoning & Logical Reasoning section, the topics tested are Logical Reasoning, Data Sufficiency, Coding-Decoding and Sequence & Series.