WBJEE 2024 

Under article 162 of the Constitution of India, the Government of West Bengal established West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board (WBJEEB) in 1962. 

In 2014, the Government of West Bengal had also enacted the West Bengal Act XIV of 2014 to form The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board and empowered it to conduct Common Entrance Examinations and on-line counselling in order to select candidates for admission to numerous programmes offered by many prestigious state institutions. 

The WBJEEB advocates fairness and transparency, ensures no-error, and adopts state-of-the-art technology.

WBJEE is a Common Entrance Examination conducted by WBJEEB, which is followed by web-based online counselling (e-counselling), for admission to Undergraduate Courses in Engineering & Technology, Pharmacy and Architecture in Universities, Govt. Colleges and Self-Financed Institutes in the State of West Bengal.

WBJEE - 2024 is anticipated to be held towards the end of April in 2024. The West Bengal Joint Entrance Exam Board will release WBJEE exam date 2024 along with the registration dates and more information on its official website. 

WBJEE 2024 - Highlights

Some of the highlights of WBJEE are tabulated below -

Full FormWest Bengal Joint Entrance Examination
Conducting BodyWest Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board (WBJEEB)
Exam LevelState-Level
Mode of ExamOffline (OMR based examination)
Mode of ApplicationOnline
Exam FrequencyOnce a year
Number of Papers2 - Paper I (Mathematics) and Paper II (Physics & Chemistry)
Exam Duration4 hours (2 hours for each paper)
Number of QuestionsPaper I- 75 questions | Paper II- 80 questions
Total MarksPaper I- 100 marks | Paper II- 100 marks
WBJEE Helpline Contact No.1800-1023-781 | 1800-3450-050

WBJEE 2024 - Eligibility Requirements

Candidates who have passed class 12th from a recognized board with at least 45% marks in each of the mandatory subjects are eligible to apply for WBJEE 2024.

Below is the detailed list of other requirements for applying in WBJEE. 

CriteriaRequirements for Engineering and Architecture CoursesRequirements for Pharmacy Courses
Minimum Age17 years as on 31st December 2024
Qualification10+2 or its equivalent from any recognized board
Mandatory SubjectsPhysics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and EnglishPhysics & Chemistry
Minimum MarksAt least 45% (40% for SC, ST, OBC-A, OBC-B, PwD)
Domicile RequirementsDomicile requirement for WBJEE is required to be eligible for the counselling process. The domicile criteria are required for-
- any seat in any Government-aided Engineering/ Technology/ Pharmacy Colleges.
- 90% for general category seats in Jadavpur University.
- any seat in Aliah University.
- any seat including general category seats in B.Tech (Dairy Technology) in West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences
- any reserved category seat (SC, ST, OBC- A, OBC- B, PwD, TFW) in any course in any institute.


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WBJEE 2024 - Exam Pattern 

The WBJEE exam has three categories of questions. Category 1 carries 1 mark and Category 2 & 3 contains 2 marks per question . The subjects are Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics and the syllabus is same as that of NCERT Class 11 & 12. The following table shows the marks distribution across three categories in WBJEE examinations. 

Category of QuestionNumber of Questions AskedMarks for Correct ResponseNegative Marking
Category 13055+ 1 mark- 1/4 mark
Category 23055+2 marks- 1/2 mark
Category 3501510+ 2 marks0


WBJEE 2024 -  Syllabus 

The Syllabus of WBJEE is similar to the NCERT Class 12 and Class 11 Syllabus of subjects, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. 

The primary (important) topics covered by each of the subjects are  shown below in the following tables. 


Primary Topics% of Marks (Per Topic)
Wave Motion5%
Nuclear Physics5%
Solids & Semiconductor Devices5%
Modern Physics – Atomic Models5%
Laws of Motion4%
Rotational Motion4%
Current Electricity7%
Heat and Thermodynamics6%
Magnetic Effects of Current and Magmatism6%
Work Energy Power5%
Simple Harmonic Motion5%
Physics of Nucleolus5%



Primary Topics% of Marks (Per Topic)
p- Block Elements6%
Redox Reactions5%
Ionic Equilibrium4%
Chemical Equilibrium4%
Coordination Compounds4%
Carboxylic Acids & Derivatives4%
Alcohol Phenol Ether4%
Chemical Thermodynamics4%
Chemical Kinetics7%
Chemical Bonding6%
Transition Elements (d & f block)6%
S block elements6%
Organic Chemistry6%




Primary Topics% of Marks (Per Topic)
3-D Geometry6%
Matrices & Determinants5%
Indefinite Integration5%
Sets, Relation & Functions5%
Definite Integration5%
Theory of Equations4%
Permutation & Combination4%
Complex Numbers4%


How many times can one appear for WBJEE ? 

A candidate can apply for WBJEE twice, across 2 years. 

How many times a year is WBJEE held ? 

WBJEE is held once a year . 

Which courses can one apply for through WBJEE ?

WBJEE is a Common Entrance Test conducted for students to pursue degree courses in Engineering, Technology, Pharmacy and Architecture.

What’s harder ? WBJEE or JEE Main. 

WBJEE is considered easier than JEE Main, however both are moderately difficult exams so proper preparation is advised. 

In What mode will WBJEE be conducted ?

WBJEE only has Multiple Choice Type Questions. The exam is conducted offline on OMR sheets.