Registration Process 

The Common Management Admission Test (CMAT) registration process is a straightforward and user-friendly procedure. To begin, aspiring candidates need to visit the official CMAT website and create an account. After successfully registering, they can log in and fill out the application form, providing personal details, educational qualifications, and other relevant information. Candidates must also upload a recent passport-sized photograph and signature according to the specified guidelines. Once the form is completed and reviewed for accuracy, candidates can proceed to the payment section, where they must pay the requisite the application fee online through various payment methods. After payment confirmation, candidates can download their CMAT admit cards containing essential information about the examination date, time, and center. 

Registration fee for CMAT 2024

After filling out the form, you need to submit the form after paying the application fee. The application fee can vary category-wise. 

Category Application Fee
General male candidates INR 2000
General Female, SC, ST, NC- OBC, PwD, Ews, Third gender INR 1000